Ordering Thinking Digitally

On this page you can order the book 
Thinking Digitally
by N. David king.

The book is available in three formats.

  • Hardcopy 8.5 x 11"
  • On CD in Adobe PDF Format
  • On CD in E-Book LIT Format

You may pay for the book online by using your credit card through PayPal, a secure transaction.  Or you may print out the order form (by following the link at the bottom of the page) and mail it to the address shown with your check or money order.

Scroll down to the format of the book and type of order you wish to make.


BookStores and Book Resellers:

Contact the author by email for information on wholesale and/or volume discounts.

(Full cover art is shown at bottom of page.)



Pre-Production copies of the printed version are available via special order until the actual print run is completed (expected in December 2003)  These are individually printed, comb-bound versions with full color illustrations and are identical in material and layout to the final except for binding.  They are limited in number so if you want to take advantage of this special offer, get your order in early.  This offer will be withdrawn as soon as final printed copies are available.  See just below for prices for the printed and electronic versions.

To order, send me an email with your request for a copy.  If you are a student of mine I'll bring it to class as soon as it is ready.  If you are not a student of mine, send me an email and let me know if you want to pay via credit card or check.  You can pay via Credit Card/Paypal by clicking on the button below or you can email me and I'll tell you where to send your check.   

  1. Pre-Production Hard copy (Estimated Publication Date: December/January 2004)  $29.95 + $6.00 Shipping via USPS Priority Mail (shipping via Media Mail is free).  California residents add 7.75% Tax 

 NOTE:  This offer will be withdrawn once 
press-printed copies are available.   

  1. Pre-Production CD w/both e-formats.  (Estimated Publication Date October/November 2003) $9.95 + $4.00 Shipping via USPS Priority Mail. California Residents add 7.75% tax


(c) N. David King 2003
All Rights Reserved