Practical 3D Photography for Professional & Fine Art Photographers | ||||||
Practical 3D Photography is a 90 page book on the amazing creation of truly dimensional photographs designed to be included on a printed page for commercial work or as single display prints to be hung on a wall. Complete with illustrations and a free 3D viewer, this book provides background on the process, looks at some of the common variations, and then steps you through the process of making your own 3-dimensional images with examples of the results of each step. The critical and sometimes confusing issue of just how afar apart the camera lenses need to be for a stereo pair of subjects at various distances from camera is covered in depth with case studies and examples. Additionally, "Practical 3D Photography" explores the aesthetic and compositional issues that arise when you add a third dimension to your photos and provides guidelines for taking your images away from the some of the silly 3D efforts of the past and into the real of fine art..
Bibliography Practical 3D
Photography Publication Date: Feb 2004. Pre-production copies now available! See the order page for information.
(c) N.
David King 2003
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